"Bringing Christ to People and People to Christ"

Ladies Fellowship

Ladies Fellowship met this week after a break for the summer.  The guest speaker for the evening was Leonie Samways from Asda who spoke about the Community Life Programme of the Company.

 Leonie Samways

Leonie spoke about the history of Asda and how the Stockwells and the Asquiths in Yorkshire met and worked together to form the supermarket.  They started community projects about healthy eating, working with children.   They started the green token scheme where tokens were given in exchange for recycled bags.  Each store has a grant system for different charitable projects.

Leonie started working on the cash desks as one of the over 400 staff at Asda in Chatham.  When the Community job came up she was encouraged to apply.  She feels there is a path for her in this job but it took her months to get used to it.  Now, she loves going out into the community and especially meeting older people.  Royal Voluntary Service are being encouraged by Asda.  Asda are involved with The MacMillan Coffee Morning but need to be assured that proceeds will be used locally.  Asda has a grant system which Leonie oversees.

She would welcome applications from local organisations which need assistance.

Leonie lost her husband to bowel cancer a few years ago and she says she needs to be needed and finds this job is rewarding.  Her Christian beliefs are central to all that she does.  She led us in saying The Lord’s Prayer.

The next meeting will be held on October 9 when Major Judy will talk about Tanzania.


